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Thursday 26 June 2014

Mother Teresa's Words of Wisdom

Mother Teresa's Words of Wisdom

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

許美靜 - 單數 A nostalgic song by local singer Mavis Hee

Found this song, 單數 by Mavis Hee. It's nostalgic and it brings back so much memories since I was in primary school. Always fond of listening to her soothing voice and meaningful lyrics written mainly by Chen Jiaming (if I'm not wrong). Here's the lyrics for the song:

作詞:陳佳明 作曲:陳佳明

好像是讓你決定笑或哭 一顆心 隨你搖擺和起伏 甜蜜 痛楚
早已變成不可躲避的一種束縛 累了 麻木 我怎麼會從堅強變無助
兩顆心總是會變成單數 不是太擁擠就是太孤獨 佔有 放逐
都已變成將我鎖住的一個桎梏 熱情 冷酷 慢慢的從分明變得模糊

我不求能永遠的幸福 卻又不自覺不停的追逐
到最後所有的快樂 全都讓我們更痛苦
我不求能一生的廝守 承諾只是你一時的感觸
到最後所有的付出 全都被證明是當初美麗的錯誤(美的錯誤)

Tea and Dinner with friends on 14 June 2014

Monday 23 June 2014

Let not my love be called idolatry (Sonnet 1)

Let not my love be called idolatry (Sonnet 1)

Let not my love be called idolatry.
Thy absence in permanence I’ll never know.
My heart lives in solitary,
Except for a place reserved for thee.
My devotion and benevolence to thee I wish to show.
Recalled the umpteen times you said you would like to know me better.
In thee I see more than just a friend to cuddle.
In thee I see an older and exemplary brother.
From harm I would provide you a shelter.
Our first date on 4th April 2014 I’ll always remember.
Over dinner and wine we engaged in our cheerful banter.
You said you would flip the table at "Emma".
My kindness and complacence to thee will never end.
Honesty, devotion and benevolence dedicated to thee, TJX, my dear friend.

12 June 2014, I bumped into Jx... What an uncanny coincidence

On Thursday, 12 June 2014, after my dinner, I stayed a while longer alone and lingered around SGH to check out the campus for other food places apart from the busy Kopitiam. From a distance, I saw a familiar face. When I walked closer I realised he is Jx. I didn't expect to see him at that hour close to 8 pm around the campus. I thought the Ministry knocks off early and he would probably be at home by then. Drenched in perspiration in singlet and shorts, he and his friend looked like they've just stepped out from the gym. I went up and said "Hi" to Jx. He was surprised to see me and said "Hi" too. I just realised he has a black tattoo on the top right corner of his back. I asked him if we were still friends. He replied "yes". But the feeling is still awkward. There is still a glass barricade between us and it feels like we're strangers or that I did something which couldn't be forgiven.

I tried to prolong our conversation despite him rushing to join his friend at the food court. And so he stopped repeatedly at the door as I sort of prevented him from leaving so soon. I told him that I understand that he has cut contact with me. He thinks its the best thing for both of us- to not contact each other for now. He added that we'll probably contact each other again a few months later or even years later. Perhaps 5 years later. He said he knew that I tried texting and calling him recently. I wondered if he was talking about the most recent one and whether he has seen my text. He said I should know best. I told him that my Trusts paper was a disaster. He just told me to study hard and wished me all the best.

I told him that I'm sorry for the last time. He said sorry too. I said I'm really sorry for the last words I've said albeit my grievances, which caused all my family and friends to worry. It is something which I've regretted a lot and my comeuppance for my irrational and irresponsible behaviour was to lose him as a treasured friend. I should not have imposed emotional blackmail on anyone. He said he accepted my apology and felt glad that I am now ok and responsible for my actions. When he said we'll probably only contact each other years later, I repeated "years later?". He said we should not bargain and the best thing for now is to leave things as it is. He said he really had to go and meet his friend for dinner. I can see his friend/colleague/gym buddy sitting at the end of the food court waiting for him to come. I know I've been holding Jx back. I asked him if this was inconvenient and the obvious reply from him was a yes.

The last thing I told Jx was that I really treasured our friendship and enjoyed the 2 dates with him. I really liked how we could joke about things and "Emma". His last words were all the best and he went off to join his friend who waited patiently for him. When he approached his friend, they stood up and left the food court by exiting the back door. Slowly later, I went to that direction. When I opened the door, all I could see was an empty space somewhat like a courtyard, overlooking it is the Ministry's building. They were out of sight. I don't know where they headed to and I can't see them from any corner. Sadly I left the campus. I'm happy that I bumped into him, at the same time sad that there still exists a glass barricade. But all I know for now is that I can only pray for him to succeed in life, and in my heart, he'll always be my treasured friend.

Let me share with everyone a youtube video from the movie LOL. It's known as the "Somewhere Only We Know" scene. I didn't watch the full movie on HBO or anything. Neither am I a fan of any of them including Miley Cyrus, though I admit that I like the old Miley compared to the new wild one. This may be a tribute to the once beautiful Miley. I like this scene a lot as it is sentimental and it brings back a lot of memories. The lyrics fit the mood I'm in now and I feel the same way. Perhaps the best description of what we're going through is  "Somewhere only we know". I choose to remember, and at least I know.